Tag Archives: face-to-face

Photo education – a new level…

My good friend and colleague, Simon Cowling, has, I believe, taken photo education in Australia to a new level with the launching of Shoot , a new photo studies workshop in Perth.  With the backing of Camera Electronic Pty Ltd, Simon, has created the ideal venue for photographers ambitious to master their cameras and acquire a high level of skill, to learn in a small, class environment.

Now, their promotional material claims that Shoot is “Perth’s premier photographic teaching workshop”. I’d not argue with this, except to say that this could be somewhat of an understatement. I’ve known and taught alongside Simon for 30 years or more. When it comes to photography and the teaching of the craft, Simon Cowling is someone who makes your average perfectionist look downright careless. When it comes to the creation of an environment in which to learn, Shoot is perfect.

Statement of vested interest: later this year, I’ ll be teaching a two day seminar on stock photography at Shoot. I’m really looking forward to it…

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